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Adding new Organization (ORG)

Adding new Organization (ORG)

New Organization

Universe deployment revolves around the ability to add a new organization to the edeXa Universe with a simple step.

We will provide an administration panel to make it easy to manage the needed configurations and to add organizations to a respective channel by easy steps.

Deployment of smart contracts within Universe

(Implementation of user chaincodes with HLF)

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As Universe ecosystem presents a broad exploration of possibilities Chaincode is a program, written in Go, node.js, or Java that implements a prescribed interface. A chaincode typically handles business logic and is considered as a “smart contract” in general blockchain terms.

Users can create custom channels for their own business model

Universe offers functionalities that will enable edeXa’s clients to create their channels for a blockchain business of their choosing.

Private channels in between users can offer an access-controlled private blockchain environment, similar to consortium blockchains.

These channels can be created with other users as well as internally where only that business is part of that channel. This functionality will further enable us to achieve the vision of private blockchains. Having the private channels will enable users to host their custom chaincodes and open new horizons for developers.

For edeXa Universe to offer endless possibilities in development and collaboration, it will be a feature offered to its clients that will enable users to develop and host their own custom smart-contract (chaincodes) on the private channels they created. This will put edeXa on the map as a company providing blockchain as a service provider. Startups can directly develop their chaincodes on top of edeXa’s private channels instead of going through the hassle of deploying their network.